■Ticket price SSeat:¥7,500(Included tax) Grass Seat:¥5,500(Included tax) ※Ticket price included admission to the Yomiuri Land ※Grass Seat: Under the elementary school accompanied children are free (by reference number) but please pay for admission to the Yomiuri Land ※Reserved seat: Over three years old children need ticket. SSSeat:¥9,600(Included tax) only for fun club members
■Ticket agency Ticket PIA 0570-02-9999 (Pcode:326-218) ※can not connect from some mobile phone and PHS.
LAWSON Ticket 0570-08-4003 (Lcode: 70579) ※can not connect from some mobile phone and PHS.
eplus http://eplus.jp(mobile phone and PC)
■■ Transportation Both gondola and buses will be crowded. Please allow plenty of time to get there. Keio Line, Keio Yomiuri Land station → Gondola(10min.)→Odakyu bus(5min.) Odakyu Line, Yomiuri Land mae station → Odakyu bus(10min.)→Shinyurigaoka station→Odakyu bus(20min.)
Yomiuri Land HP http://www.yomiuriland.co.jp/traffic.html